Agricultural Research Corporation


Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC) – Sudan
The vision of the ARC is to become a centre of excellence in agricultural research by developing skilled manpower and conducting quality research. The generation of technologies to ensure sustainable crop production and the active role in technology transfer are among pivotal roles of ARC.
The mission of the ARC is to plan, develop and implement research designed to produce technologies and systems that are required to ensure high and sustainable crop productivity and food security.
The main goals are to contribute to the achievement of food security, alleviation of poverty, generation of incomes, promotion of agricultural export and conservation of natural resources
ARC Profile

  • The principal research arm of the government on agriculture
  • Rich heritage of AR (> 100 years).
  • Research scope: Field and hort. Crops, Forestry,  natural resources and socio-economics
  • 24 National Programs, embodied in 4 research themes.
  • 14 research centers and 27 research stations
  • Research staff 610 (>300 PhDs)

Research Centers

  1. Land and Water Research Center
  2. Integrated Pest Management Research Center
  3. Cereals Research Center
  4. Oil Crops Research Center
  5. Horticulture Research Center
  6. Legumes Crops Research Center
  7. Cotton and Fibre Crops Center
  8. Plant Biotechnology and Biosafety Research Center
  9. Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources  Conservation and Research Center
  10. Socioeconomics and Policy Analysis Center
  11. Dry Land Research Center
  12. Forestry Research center
  13. Variety maintenance and Breeders Seed Center
  14. Agricultural Engineering Research Center

Research Programs

Research is organized in commodity programs and cross-cutting programs, addressing 4 themes areas:

  1. Sustainable crop production
  2. Natural Resources management.
  3. Agricultural socioeconomics and policy analysis
  4. Knowledge management and Up scaling


Year of establishment: 
Full address: 
contact form 2 + 7 = Find us Sudan – Wadmadani P.O Box 126