What We Do


As a coordinating body, FARA works through collaboration with its partners, an approach driven by the principle of Subsidiarity, which devolves the implementation of programmes to the Sub-regional organizations and the National Agricultural Research Institutes NARIs.
In implementing its strategy, FARA mobilizes stakeholders around a portfolio of continent-wide programmes and projects jointly developed with the stakeholders, to address specific challenges or opportunities. Currently, FARA is coordinating the following such initiatives

  • DONATA Dissemination of New Agricultural Technologies in Africa
  • PAEPARD: Platform for African – European Partnership on Agricultural Research for Development (link to description)
  • RAILS: Regional Agricultural Information and Learning Systems
  • SSA CP: Sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Programme
  • UniBRAIN: Universities, Business and Research in Agricultural Innovation

Going forward with the new strategic orientation, FARA is embarking on the following new continent-wide programmes in the context of the Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa:

  • Adaptation for Future Demands in Agriculture (AFDA)
  • Regional Mobility for Capacity Strengthening (ReMoCaSt)
  • Africa Human Capital, Science Technology and Agri-preneurship for Food Security Framework (AHC-STAFF)
  • Programme for Agricultural Intensification in Africa (PAINT)
  • African Special Progamme on the Environment and Agricultural Research (African SPEAR)
  • The African Food and Agriculture Policy platform (AFAPP) (link to description)