Institut National de Recherche Agronomique


The institute takes over the experimental stations of Lula, founded in 1911, which counted 113 hectares of coffee, and on a reduced scale in that of Lemba, at the altitude of 450 meters but also of the Régie des plantations de the colony, created by the Royal Decree of December 3, 1926, to regroup the public experimental plantations, which give a profit of 1.2 million Belgian francs, to Gazi, Lula, and Barumbu and Yangambi, where is installed in 1926 a "breeding station" for the improvement of cultivated varieties. These establishments reintroduced in 1916 or 1917 Robusta cultivars in Congo selected by the Dutch. An agricultural research station, established in 1925 in the Kivu, 30 kilometers from Bukavu, studied the growth of several tropical products including coffee robusta. Since 1930, selection work is conducted from selected varieties of coffee in Indonesia and coffee trees growing naturally in the Congolese forests. This research favours the dissemination of Robusta in Congo, before the foundation of INEAC

Year of establishment: 
Full address: 
B.P. 2499 Brazzaville, Congo